The Significance Of Sha‘bãn

The Significance of Sha‘bãn

Sha‘bãn, the eighth Islamic month is second only to Ramadhãn in virtue, blessings and greatness. It is due to this virtue and greatness that the Prophet s used to emphasise its importance not only verbally but practically too. ‘Ã’ishah رضي…

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Sawm (fasting) means to refrain from eating, drinking  and  cohabiting  from  subha  sãdiq (early dawn) to sunset with a niyyah (intention) of observing fast. Fasting in the month of Ramadhãn is one of the five pillars of Islãm and is…

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Guidelines For Ramadan

Guidelines For Ramadan

We must wake up for suhoor as it is a sunnah of our Rasool s. He has informed us that the food of suhoor is full of barakah: “Eat suhoor, because in it lies  great blessings ”  (Bukhari, Muslim) We…

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